Market Gaps and Financial Engineering


The discipline of financial engineering has been criticized on the ground that it blindly follows statistical and mathematical paths that lead, at times, to the edge of or over economic cliffs. Despite the risks involved in reliance on quantitative correlations and measures that struggle to capture the unpredictability and irrationality that often drives markets, financial […]

September 20, 2021

Capital and Shareholder Value

Capital Raising

Many companies that search for funding only focus on the amount of capital to be raised. But capital is the economic combination of costs and benefits and at times investment terms and conditions can do more harm to a business than good. This article discusses the economic structure of financial capital and argues that companies […]

September 19, 2021

Spot Market vs. Long-Term Capital Raising Strategies

Capital Raising

Most companies that need capital try to raise it as quickly as possible. This strategy is often based on the view that capital raising is expensive, uses scarce firm resources and diverts the company’s attention away from other important business activities. While this approach may sound reasonable, it often does not lead to the best […]

September 12, 2021

Who Moved My Sector? Business Strategy in the Age of Vanishing Industry Borders


Business strategy has historically been based on the assumption that business sectors are clearly demarcated. However, due to the disruptive power of technology and the digitalization of the global marketplace, many sector border lines have become blurred, cross-sector competition has grown and the pace of sectoral transformation has increased exponentially. As this transformation creates large […]

September 11, 2021

Intrapreneurship and Shareholder Value Creation

Scalable Ideas

One possible corporate innovation pathway is intrapreneurship, entrepreneurial activity that is carried out within a firm. As an innovation catalyst, intrapreneurship has many potential advantages, including accelerating firm innovation cycles, reducing entrepreneurial risk and building a firm culture that can generate many positive organizational changes. This article analyzes the potential of intrapreneurship to create shareholder […]

September 3, 2021

Organizational Dynamics and Innovation Curve Efficiency


While innovation is often thought of as an isolated individual breakthrough, it is more often than not the consequence of a great number of sustained, collective actions. In many firms, highly innovative concepts often fail to be implemented, not because the core ideas are not sound, but rather because they are not supported by the […]

September 2, 2021