The Transforming Company: Rethinking Corporate Roles in the Digital Age


The Internet and mobile communication technologies have brought about major changes in company organizational structures and operating realities. The changing nature of work and economic conditions in the Digital Age provide a great challenge and opportunity to completely rethink traditional corporate roles and relationships. When the Scottish-American engineer Daniel McCallum set forth corporate roles in […]

February 26, 2019

The Micro-Innovation Cycle and Business Growth


When many people of think of the concept of innovation they think of dramatic, transformative changes in the way things are imagined or done. While large jumps in how things work attract a great deal of attention, the bulk of innovation generally involves making very small improvements to designs, processes and routine tasks that are […]

February 16, 2019

The Japanese Tea Ceremony, Business Performance and Ichi Go Ichi E


Regardless of what profession we are engaged in, all of our work can be divided into discrete, concrete tasks. For a salesman, that might involve deeply studying a product’s features, identifying potential customers and making sales presentations; for an actor, that might involve taking voice lessons, studying acting methods and memorizing scripts. How well these […]

February 8, 2019

Capital and Firm (Un) Value


Is more money always good for your business? This may sound like a trick question but from a financial perspective the answer is not as straightforward as you might think. Looking at capital value through the lens of cost benefit analysis, this blog post suggests that capital can hurt businesses as well as help them. […]

January 22, 2019