Leap: 15 Steps to Transition from Solopreneur to Entrepreneur


Opportunities for people to build businesses independently have skyrocketed in the global digital economy. While people can create and run businesses entirely by themselves, many solopreneurs find that working alone leads to growth ceilings that are hard to break through. This article describes the process of business evolution and sets forth 15 key points for […]

October 26, 2023

Capital Raising Best Practices: Creating an Investor Virtual Data Room

Capital Raising

The capital raising process has many phases, including creating pitch materials and negotiating deal terms with investors. To help increase the likelihood of positive outcomes for entrepreneurs and companies raising capital, this article discusses the benefits of creating a virtual data room, provides an overview of the documents it usually contains, and shares suggestions regarding […]

October 20, 2023

First Principles Reasoning: Making Better Decisions (Part 5)

Decision Making

Elon Musk has said that first principles reasoning is a powerful way to innovate. Rather than reasoning by reference to things that already exist, first principles thinking starts from fundamental truths and then reasons from there to question established beliefs and practices and find solutions. After discussing first principles reasoning, this article, part 5 of […]

October 11, 2023

The Process of Wisdom: Making Better Decisions (Part 3)

Decision Making

Humanity has struggled for thousands of years with a seemingly simple question: How can I decide wisely? This question has remained challenging throughout the ages because it is highly subjective, has many dimensions, and choices must be made in the face of limited information, time constraints, and uncertainty about the future. Many classical decision-making models, […]

October 5, 2023

Beyond Yes or No: Making Better Decisions (Part 1)

Decision Making

Making good decisions is highly challenging. Difficult choices with far-reaching implications often have to be made very quickly, with limited information, and in the face of disagreement about the best course of action. Complicating this further, decisions are not made in prejudice-free or value-free vacuums but are heavily affected by many cognitive, emotional, and organizational […]

September 27, 2023